Established TCP socket on 38012 <===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>���channel started Executing Maven: -B -f /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/pom.xml clean install javadoc:javadoc [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] --------------------< net.citizensnpcs:citizensapi >-------------------- [INFO] Building CitizensAPI 2.0.31-SNAPSHOT [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.0:resources (default-resources) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :source [INFO] Compiling 260 source files with javac [debug target 1.8] to target/classes [WARNING] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8 [WARNING] Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '8' [WARNING] Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '8' [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/astar/pathfinder/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/astar/pathfinder/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.3.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/test/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.11.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! :dependency [INFO] Compiling 3 source files with javac [debug target 1.8] to target/test-classes [WARNING] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8 [WARNING] Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '8' [WARNING] Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '8' [INFO] [INFO] --- surefire:3.0.0:test (default-test) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Using auto detected provider org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.PersistenceLoaderTest [INFO] Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.055 s - in net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.PersistenceLoaderTest [INFO] Running [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 s - in [INFO] Running [INFO] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 s - in [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [INFO] Tests run: 23, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] [JENKINS] Recording test results [INFO] [INFO] --- jar:3.3.0:jar (default-jar) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/target/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- source:3.2.1:jar-no-fork (bundle-sources) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/target/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- install:3.1.0:install (default-install) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/pom.xml to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/net/citizensnpcs/citizensapi/2.0.31-SNAPSHOT/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/target/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/net/citizensnpcs/citizensapi/2.0.31-SNAPSHOT/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/target/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/repository/net/citizensnpcs/citizensapi/2.0.31-SNAPSHOT/citizensapi-2.0.31-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] >>> javadoc:3.5.0:javadoc (default-cli) > generate-sources @ citizensapi >>> [WARNING] Failed to getClass for org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc.JavadocReport [INFO] [INFO] <<< javadoc:3.5.0:javadoc (default-cli) < generate-sources @ citizensapi <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- javadoc:3.5.0:javadoc (default-cli) @ citizensapi --- [INFO] No previous run data found, generating javadoc. [WARNING] Javadoc Warnings [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA [WARNING] * A helper method for using {@link #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA} to set the NPC as protected or not protected from [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @see: reference not found: #setItemProvider() [WARNING] * @see #setItemProvider() [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA [WARNING] * A helper method for using {@link #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA} to set the NPC as protected or not protected from [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: @param argument "key" is not a parameter name. [WARNING] * @param key [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA [WARNING] * A helper method for using {@link #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA} to set the NPC as protected or not protected from [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @see: reference not found: #setItemProvider() [WARNING] * @see #setItemProvider() [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA [WARNING] * A helper method for using {@link #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA} to set the NPC as protected or not protected from [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: @param argument "reload" is not a parameter name. [WARNING] * @param reload [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/event/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * {@link VocalChord} [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/astar/pathfinder/ warning: @param argument "point" is not a parameter name. [WARNING] * @param point [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Explicit recalculation of which {@link Player}s should be viewing the {@link NPC}. Sends hide packets for players [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Sets the filter function, which returns {@code true} if the {@link NPC} should be hidden from the given [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Explicit recalculation of which {@link Player}s should be viewing the {@link NPC}. Sends hide packets for players [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Sets the filter function, which returns {@code true} if the {@link NPC} should be hidden from the given [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Simple implementation of {@link SpeechController} which allows a NPC to speak with any registered {@link VocalChord}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * the NPC. If none, the default {@link VocalChord} is used. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Adds a direct {@link Talkable} recipient. The {@link VocalChord} should use this information to correctly direct [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Adds a list of {@link Talkable} recipients. The {@link VocalChord} should use this information to correctly [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * the NPC. If none, the default {@link VocalChord} is used. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: @param argument "vocalChord" is not a parameter name. [WARNING] * @param vocalChord [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: @param argument "vocalChord" is not a parameter name. [WARNING] * @param vocalChord [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Simple implementation of {@link SpeechController} which allows a NPC to speak with any registered {@link VocalChord}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Simple implementation of {@link SpeechController} which allows a NPC to speak with any registered {@link VocalChord}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Simple implementation of {@link SpeechController} which allows a NPC to speak with any registered {@link VocalChord}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Explicit recalculation of which {@link Player}s should be viewing the {@link NPC}. Sends hide packets for players [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/trait/trait/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: NPC [WARNING] * Sets the filter function, which returns {@code true} if the {@link NPC} should be hidden from the given [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/npc/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA [WARNING] * A helper method for using {@link #DEFAULT_PROTECTED_METADATA} to set the NPC as protected or not protected from [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Simple implementation of {@link SpeechController} which allows a NPC to speak with any registered {@link VocalChord}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Sends the speechController's {@link NPC} and {@link SpeechContext} to the current default {@link VocalChord} for [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: SpeechFactory [WARNING] * Represents the NPCs speech abilities using VocalChords registered with the {@link SpeechFactory}. Uses [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking near this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/speech/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: VocalChord [WARNING] * Called by a {@link VocalChord} when talking to this Talkable Entity to provide a universal method to getting an [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/CitizensAPI/workspace/src/main/java/net/citizensnpcs/api/ai/goals/ warning: Tag @link: reference not found: QuadTree [WARNING] * A sample {@link Goal}/{@link Behavior} that will wander within a certain radius or {@link QuadTree}. [WARNING] ^ [WARNING] 60 warnings [JENKINS] Archiving javadoc [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 54.606 s [INFO] Finished at: 2023-05-13T15:56:54Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data