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#1784 (Feb 23, 2023, 1:58:45 AM)

Started 2 yr 0 mo ago
Took 0 ms
Build Artifacts
denizen-paper-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT.pom1.21 KiB view
  1. Cleanup projectile events (#2426) (commit: 7841434) (details)
  2. Cleanup and improve `PlayerHoldsItemEvent` (#2427) (commit: 1603d42) (details)
  3. raise/lower item event: add reason context/switch and patch edge cases (commit: c41d90d) (details)
  4. entity removed from world paper event (commit: ec01855) (details)
  5. scoreboard team tags (commit: 5f09335) (details)
  6. fix grindstone event determination casing (commit: 30fcb48) (details)
  7. New Paper-only event `entity steps on block` (#2429) (commit: 43ecb9e) (details)
  8. cleanups related to last 2 PRs (commit: f531216) (details)
  9. Add paper-only 1.19+ `WardenChangesAngerLevelEvent` (#2430) (commit: 7da248a) (details)
  10. fix steps on matching everything, improve warden event meta (commit: 6de5e25) (details)
  11. patch newlines in 'chat' (commit: 150d3eb) (details)
  12. paper player deep sleep event (commit: a140654) (details)
  13. PlayerTag.flying_fall_damage tag/mec addition (#2433) (commit: eab4e0f) (details)