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#1773 (Jul 15, 2022, 7:24:02 PM)

Started 2 yr 8 mo ago
Took 6 sec
Build Artifacts
denizen-v1_18-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT-remapped-obf.jar188.47 KiB view
denizen-v1_18-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT.jar189.63 KiB view
denizen-v1_18-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT.pom3.11 KiB view
  1. (Experimental) rename command multiworld stability fix (commit: e3880f8) (details)
  2. rework profileeditor updatePlayer to do a proper tracker respawn (commit: 936e036) (details)
  3. fix playeffect in 1.16 (commit: 71a9d36) (details)
  4. `MaterialTag.vanilla_tags` mechanism (#2346) (commit: d6b1387) (details)