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Changes between #5845 and #5949

#5949 (Nov 30, 2021, 11:22:27 PM)

  1. we don't need to embed snakeyaml (commit: f8c8e6e) — git_commits / detail

#5948 (Nov 30, 2021, 9:40:35 PM)

  1. relocate redis and its apache commons subpackage properly (commit: d0ba878) — git_commits / detail

#5943 (Nov 30, 2021, 7:36:49 PM)

  1. 1.18 part 2: basic version labels n wotnot (commit: 8491bea) — git_commits / detail
  2. 1.18 part 3: Denizen 1.2.3 (commit: 18911de) — git_commits / detail