Class SentinelVersionCompat


public class SentinelVersionCompat extends Object
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double>
    A map of armor materials to their protection multipliers.
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final org.bukkit.Material
    A specific material (for multi-version support).
    static final org.bukkit.Material
    A specific material (for multi-version support).
    static final org.bukkit.Material
    A specific material (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material>
    HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final boolean
    Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    static final Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double>
    A map of weapon materials to their damage multipliers.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    addAllMaterials(Set<org.bukkit.Material> set, String... matNames)
    Adds a a list of named Materials to a set.
    static void
    allMaterialsTo(Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double> map, Set<org.bukkit.Material> set, Double val)
    Adds a set of materials to a map as keys with a specific value.
    static org.bukkit.entity.EntityType[]
    combine(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType[] a, org.bukkit.entity.EntityType... b)
    Combines two arrays of EntityType values.
    static org.bukkit.Material
    Gets the Material instance for a name (multi-version support).
    static void
    static boolean
    isRangedWeapon(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
    Returns whether an item is a valid ranged weapon type.
    static boolean
    isWeapon(org.bukkit.Material mat)
    Returns whether an item material is a valid weapon type.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> SWORD_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> PICKAXE_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> AXE_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> HELMET_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> CHESTPLATE_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> LEGGINGS_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> BOOTS_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> BOW_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> POTION_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> SKULL_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> OTHER_RANGED_MATERIALS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final HashSet<org.bukkit.Material> TRANSPARENT_BLOCKS
      HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).

      public static final Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double> WEAPON_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIERS
      A map of weapon materials to their damage multipliers.

      public static final Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double> ARMOR_PROTECTION_MULTIPLIERS
      A map of armor materials to their protection multipliers.

      public static final org.bukkit.Material MATERIAL_SNOW_BALL
      A specific material (for multi-version support).

      public static final org.bukkit.Material MATERIAL_NETHER_STAR
      A specific material (for multi-version support).

      public static final org.bukkit.Material MATERIAL_BLAZE_ROD
      A specific material (for multi-version support).
    • v1_8

      public static final boolean v1_8
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_9

      public static final boolean v1_9
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_10

      public static final boolean v1_10
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_11

      public static final boolean v1_11
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_12

      public static final boolean v1_12
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_13

      public static final boolean v1_13
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_14

      public static final boolean v1_14
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_15

      public static final boolean v1_15
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_16

      public static final boolean v1_16
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_17

      public static final boolean v1_17
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_18

      public static final boolean v1_18
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_19

      public static final boolean v1_19
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_20

      public static final boolean v1_20
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • v1_21

      public static final boolean v1_21
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
    • vFuture

      public static final boolean vFuture
      Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
  • Constructor Details

    • SentinelVersionCompat

      public SentinelVersionCompat()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public static void init()
    • isWeapon

      public static boolean isWeapon(org.bukkit.Material mat)
      Returns whether an item material is a valid weapon type.
    • isRangedWeapon

      public static boolean isRangedWeapon(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item)
      Returns whether an item is a valid ranged weapon type.
    • combine

      public static org.bukkit.entity.EntityType[] combine(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType[] a, org.bukkit.entity.EntityType... b)
      Combines two arrays of EntityType values.
    • getMaterial

      public static org.bukkit.Material getMaterial(String name)
      Gets the Material instance for a name (multi-version support).
    • addAllMaterials

      public static void addAllMaterials(Set<org.bukkit.Material> set, String... matNames)
      Adds a a list of named Materials to a set.
    • allMaterialsTo

      public static void allMaterialsTo(Map<org.bukkit.Material,Double> map, Set<org.bukkit.Material> set, Double val)
      Adds a set of materials to a map as keys with a specific value.