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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


accuracy - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's accuracy value (0 = perfectly accurate).
accuracy(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
addable() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Gets the addable string for this label.
addAllMaterials(Set<Material>, String...) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Adds a a list of named Materials to a set.
addAvoid(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Adds a new avoid-target (by target description string).
addAvoid(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Adds a temporary avoid to this NPC.
addAvoid(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
addedPunchEffects(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Processes any extra effects (item enchantments) to apply when punching an entity.
addIgnore(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Adds a new ignore (by target description string).
addIgnore(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
addOne() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler.TrackedKillToBlock
Adds one kill and handles system time.
addTarget(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Adds a new target (by target description string).
addTarget(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Adds a temporary target to this NPC (and squadmates if relevant).
addTarget(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
addTargetNoBounce(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Adds a target directly to the NPC.
addTargetTabCompletions - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
addToList(SentinelTargetList) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Adds this target label to a list set.
addToList(SentinelTargetList, boolean) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Adds this target label to a list set.
allAvoids - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
ALLAYS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.
allIgnores - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
allMaterialsTo(Map<Material, Double>, Set<Material>, Double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Adds a set of materials to a map as keys with a specific value.
allowArmorStandTargets - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Whether NPCs should be able to target armor stands.
allowKnockback - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC can receive knockback.
allTargets - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
alternateDamage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to use an alternative (work-around) method of applying damage.
animateIronGolemSwing(IronGolem) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
approxEquals(double, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns true if "a == b" within a small epsilon margin (to compensate for Double value inaccuracies).
ARMADILLOS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.21 or higher.
armor - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's armor value (-1 means automatically calculated from equipment, 0 means no armor and 1 means invincible armor...
armor(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
ARMOR_PROTECTION_MULTIPLIERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
A map of armor materials to their protection multipliers.
ARMOR_STAND - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
arrowCleanupTime - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: time until arrow cleanup.
arrowResetTicker - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Ticks since last removal of arrows from the NPC.
attackHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
attackHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Helper for attacking.
attackRate - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long (in ticks) between using melee attacks.
attackRate(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
attackRateMax - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Constant: the maximum attack rate value (in ticks).
attackRateRanged - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long (in ticks) between firing ranged shots.
autoCorrectpathfinderMode - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to auto-enable use-new-finder.
autoLowercasePrefixes - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Prefixes that expect lowercased values.
autoRedirect(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Processes weapon redirection for an item, returning the redirected item (or an unchanged one).
autoSpeedModifier() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Sets the NPC's local parameter speed modifier to its proper current value.
autoswitch - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether this NPC automatically switches weapons.
autoswitch(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
avoidRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How far to stay from avoid targets.
avoidRange(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
avoidReturnpoint(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
avoidReturnPoint - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's avoid return point (null = just run away).
avoids(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
AVOIDS - Enum constant in enum class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType
AXE_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).


B_STATS_VERSION - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.BStatsMetricsLite
BATS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
BEES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.15 or higher.
BLAZES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
blockEvents - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to block some events that may cause other plugins to have issues.
blockSunburn - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to protect Sentinel NPCs from being burned by the sun.
BOGGEDS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.21 or higher.
BOOTS_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
BOW_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
BREEZES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.21 or higher.
broadcastToSelected(NPC, String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Broadcasts a message to the console and to any player(s) that have an NPC selected.
BStatsMetricsLite - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
BStatsMetricsLite(Plugin) - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.BStatsMetricsLite
Class constructor.
BUFFER_10_KB - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Constant: The size of a buffer, 10 kilobytes.
buildCommandHandler(PluginCommand) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Prepares the command handling system.
byAllInOne - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of target lists that need to be matched in full on exactly one entity to qualify as a match.
byEntityName - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of entity-name-based targets.
byEquippedItem - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of equipped-item-based targets.
byEvent - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of event-based targets.
byGroup - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of scoreboard-group-based targets.
byHeldItem - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of held-item-based targets.
byInventoryItem - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of inventory-item-based targets.
byMultiple - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of target lists that need to be matched in full to qualify as a match.
byNpcName - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of NPC-name-based targets.
byOffhandItem - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of offhand-item-based targets.
byOther - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of targets not handled by any other target type list.
byPlayerName - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of player-name-based targets.
byStatus - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of targets handled by special status.


CachedOtherTarget() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList.CachedOtherTarget
CAMELS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.
cancelled - Variable in class
Whether the event is cancelled.
cancelled - Variable in class
Whether the event is cancelled.
canPathTo(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Determines whether the NPC is allowed to path to a location, by checking chase range and firing an event.
canSee(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether the NPC can see the target entity.
canUseSkull - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether the skull weapon is allowed.
CATS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
CAVE_SPIDERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
chase(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Causes the NPC to chase a target.
chaseClose(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
chased - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC has chased a target during the most recent update.
chaseRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The maximum distance from a guard point the NPC can run (when chasing a target).
chaseRange(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
chaseRanged(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
chasing - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The target entity this NPC is chasing (if any).
checkLineOfSightWithTransparency(LivingEntity, LivingEntity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Does a line-of-sight check between entities, allowing for transparent blocks (like glass).
checkLineOfSightWithTransparency(Location, Location) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Does a line-of-sight check between locations, allowing for transparent blocks (like glass).
checkRecalculateTargetsCache() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Checks if the targets cache ('targetsProcessed') needs to be reprocessed, and refills it if so.
CHESTPLATE_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
CHICKENS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
cleanCurrentList() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Cleans and returns the current Sentinel NPC list.
cleverTicks - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: maximum duration (in ticks) an NPC can know where a hidden target is.
closeChase - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC chases targets when using melee weapons.
COD - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
colorBad - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Output string representing a message color.
colorBasic - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Output string representing a message color.
colorEmphasis - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Output string representing a message color.
combine(EntityType[], EntityType...) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Combines two arrays of EntityType values.
concatWithSpaces(String[], int) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Concatenates (combines) an array of strings with spaces in between - just a shorthand/helper method.
ConfigUpdater - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
ConfigUpdater() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.ConfigUpdater
content - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
corePrefixes - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
All default prefixes (anything else handled by an integration object).
COWS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
CRAFTENTITY_GETHANDLE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
create(DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait.SentinelTargetListPersister
CREERERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
cTick - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Tick counter for the run method.
currentAvoids - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
The set of all current avoids for this NPC.
currentSentinelNPCs - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
A list of all currently spawned Sentinel NPCs.
currentTargets - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
The set of all current targets for this NPC.


damage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's damage value (-1 means automatically calculated from weapon, anything else is equal to the HP lost by an unarmored target).
damage(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
DATWATCHER_SET - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
deathMessages - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to enable NPC death messages.
deathxp(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
deathXP - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How much XP to drop when the NPC dies.
debug(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
Outputs a debug message.
debug(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Outputs a debug message (if debug is enabled).
debug(CommandContext, CommandSender) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelInfoCommands
debugMe - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Whether debugging is enabled.
destination - Variable in class
Where the NPC is trying to go.
disableTeleporting - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
If set 'true', the NPC will never teleport through Sentinel logic.
DOLPHINS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
doNativeAttack - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to do native attack instead of direct damage for melee.
DONKEYS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
dropChance(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
dropChances - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Chances of item drops, matched to the 'drops' list.
drops - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
What the NPC drops when dead.
drops(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
DROWNED - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
duplicate() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns a duplicate of the target list, with all inner arrays duplicated.


ELDER_GUARDIANS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
ENCHANTMENT_ARROW_DAMAGE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENCHANTMENT_ARROW_FIRE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENCHANTMENT_DAMAGE_ALL - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENCHANTMENT_PROTECTION_FIRE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENCODING - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Constant: name of the standard encoding to prefer (UTF-8).
ENDERDRAGONS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
ENDERMEN - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
ENDERMITES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
enemyDrops - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether mob targets killed by the NPC can drop items.
enemyDrops(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
enemyTargetTime - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long (in ticks) to retain an enemy target when out-of-view.
enhanceLosTraces - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Whether to use smarter LOS tracing.
ENTITY_TYPE_FIREWORK - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENTITY_TYPE_MUSHROOM_COW - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENTITY_TYPE_SNOWMAN - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
ENTITYENDERMAN_DATAWATCHER_ANGRY - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
entityToTargets - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
A map of entity types to target types.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
Returns whether this object equals another.
EVOKERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.


faceLocation(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Rotates an NPC to face a target location.
fightback - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC "fights back" against attacks (targets anyone that damages it).
fightback(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
fillListFromKey(ArrayList<String>, DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Fills the target list from a Citizens data key, during load time.
findBestRunSpot() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Finds a spot this NPC should run to, to avoid threats.
findBestTarget() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
This method searches for the nearest targetable entity with direct line-of-sight.
findQuickMeleeTarget() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Finds a nearby target that can be hit with a melee attack.
findSpotForRunDirection(Location, double, Vector) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns a spot to run to if running in a certain direction.
fireArrow(ItemStack, Location, Vector) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires an arrow from the NPC at a target.
fireEgg(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires an egg from the NPC at a target.
fireEvokerFangs(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Spawns a line of evoker fangs towards the target.
fireFireball(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a fireballs from the NPC at a target.
fireLlamaSpit(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires llama spit.
firePearl(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a pearl from the NPC at a target.
firePotion(ItemStack, Location, Vector) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a potion from the NPC at a target.
fireShulkerBullet(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires shulker bullet.
fireSkull(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a skull from the NPC at a target.
fireSnowball(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a snowball from the NPC at a target.
fireTrident(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Fires a trident from the NPC at a target.
firingMinimumRange() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the minimum distance from the NPC's head to launch a projectile from (to avoid it colliding with the NPC's own collision box).
FISH - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
fixComments(FDSData, FDSData) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.ConfigUpdater
fixForAcc(Vector) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Alters a vector per accuracy potential (makes the vector less accurate).
FLOCK_RADIUS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Flocker influence constants, for "generateNewFlocker".
forEntityType(EntityType) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Gets the set of targets that include an entity type.
forgive(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
forName(String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Gets the Sentinel target that matches a name.
FOXES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
FROGS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.


gather() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
generalDeathHandler(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Handles some basics for when the NPC died.
generateNewFlocker(NPC, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Generates a Citizens flocker instance to help keep NPCs from clumping.
getArmor(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the NPC's current armor value (based on worn armor if calculation is required).
getArrow() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Gets the correct ArrowItem type for the NPC based on inventory items (can be null if the NPC needs ammo but has none).
getArrowAngle(Location, Location, double, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Calculates the ideal angle to fire an arrow at to hit a target (roughly based on older Sentry code).
getDamage() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the NPC's current damage value (based on held weapon if calculation is required).
getDamage(boolean) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the NPC's current damage value (based on held weapon if calculation is required).
getDamage(boolean, ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the NPC's current damage value (based on a specific weapon if calculation is required).
getDrops() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets a list of items to drop (factoring in the drop chance values).
getEntityForID(UUID) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the entity for a given UUID.
getFireProtection(LivingEntity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the fire protection level from an entity's armor.
getGuarding() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the UUID of the player this Sentinel is set to be guarding.
getGuardingEntity() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the entity this NPC is guarding, or null.
getGuardZone() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the location this NPC is guarding (the NPC's own location if nothing else to guard).
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHandlers() - Method in class
Returns the handler list for use with Bukkit.
getHeldItem() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns the item held by an NPC.
getHeldItem(LivingEntity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns the item held in an entity's hand.
getInventoryTitle(InventoryCloseEvent) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the title of an inventory in an InventoryCloseEvent (compensates for code change between Spigot versions).
getItemTarget(ItemStack, List<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns the string of an item matcher that matches the item (if any).
getLaunchDetail(Location, Location, Vector) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets a 'launch detail' (starting location with direction vector set to correct firing direction, and a vector holding the exact launch vector, scaled to the correct speed).
getLaunchDetail(Location, Vector) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets a 'launch detail' (starting location for the projectile position, and a vector holding the exact launch vector, scaled to the correct speed).
getLivingEntity() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
Gets the NPC's living entity.
getLivingEntity() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the living entity for the NPC.
getMaterial(String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Gets the Material instance for a name (multi-version support).
getMaxWorldHeight(World) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the maximum height for a world (as of 1.17 can go above 255).
getMinWorldHeight(World) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the minimum height for a world (as of 1.17 can go below 0).
getMulti(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Gets the TargetList created by this multi-target label.
getNameTargetString(Collection<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
Gets a string holding all name targets.
getNPC() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
Gets the relevant NPC.
getOffhandItem(LivingEntity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns the item held in an entity's offhand.
getOwner(NPC) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Gets the owner identity of an NPC for output (player name or "server").
getOwner(NPC, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Gets the owner identity of an NPC for output (player name or default String value).
getPitch(Vector) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the pitch angle value (in degrees) for a normalized vector.
getPluginData() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.BStatsMetricsLite
Gets the plugin specific data.
getRegexTarget(String, List<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns the string of a regex that matches the name (if any).
getRegionFor(String, World) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelWorldGuardHelper
getRegionFor(SentinelTrait) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelWorldGuardHelper
getSentinelFor(CommandSender) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Gets the Sentinel Trait instance for a given command sender (based on their selected NPC).
getTarget() - Method in class
Returns the entity targeted by the NPC's attack.
getTargetFor(EntityTarget) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the entity target referenced by a CitizensAPI EntityTarget object.
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelCrackShot
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelFactions
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelHealth
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelNPCOwnedBy
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPermissions
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPotion
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBScore
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBTeams
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimpleClans
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimplePets
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSquads
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelTowny
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelUUID
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelWar
getTargetHelp() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
Gets the 'target help' data for this integration (empty string if not relevant).
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelCrackShot
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelFactions
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelHealth
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelNPCOwnedBy
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPermissions
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPotion
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBScore
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBTeams
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimpleClans
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimplePets
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSquads
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelTowny
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelUUID
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelWar
getTargetPrefixes() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
Gets the list of target prefixes that this integration handles.
getTargetRemovableStrings() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Gets a list of target strings, fit for input to a remove command.
getTargetsList(SentinelTargetList) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Gets the target collection from a list set for this label.
getVelocity(Entity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the velocity for an entity.
getVelocityFor(Player) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
Get the current velocity for a player.
getYaw(Vector) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets the yaw angle value (in degrees) for a normalized vector.
GHASTS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
GIANTS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
grabNextItem() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Grabs the next item for an NPC to use and moves it into the NPC's hand.
greetedAlready - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Players in range of the NPC that have already been greeted.
greeting(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelGreetingCommands
greetingText - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The text to greet friendly players with (empty string = no greeting).
greetRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The range this NPC gives greetings or warnings at.
greetRange(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelGreetingCommands
greetRate - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The rate in ticks this NPC gives greetings or warnings at.
greetRate(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelGreetingCommands
guard(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
guardDistance(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
guardDistanceMinimum - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: guarding distance values.
guardDistanceMinimum - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Minimum distance before choosing a new point (relative to guarded player).
guardDistanceSelectionRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: guarding distance values.
guardedNPC - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
ID of an NPC to guard, if any.
GUARDIANS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
guardingLower - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Lower 64 bits of the guarded player's UUID.
guardingUpper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Upper 64 bits of the guarded player's UUID.
guardSelectionRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Maximum possible distance of point to choose (relative to the guarded player).


hangtime(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Calculates the hang-time (time from shot until landing) of a projectile (roughly based on older Sentry code).
hash_md5(byte[]) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
hashCode() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
Returns a hashcode for this instance.
hasLos - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
If true: the target is in line-of-sight and/or reachable and/or never been calculated.
hasShield() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is holding a shield in its offhand.
hasWorldGuard - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Whether WorldGuard support is loaded and enabled.
healRate - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long (in ticks) before the NPC heals by 1 HP (when damaged).
healRate(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
healRateMax - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Constant: the maximum heal rate value (in ticks).
health - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's maximum health (NOT its current health when the NPC is spawned and injured).
health(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
healthMin - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Constant: the smallest health value that can be given to an NPC.
HELMET_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
HIGH_INFLUENCE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Flocker influence constants, for "generateNewFlocker".
hitIsBlocked(Entity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Returns a boolean indicating whether a hit from the given damager should be blocked by a shield.
HOGLINS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.
HORSES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
HUSKS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.


ifIsTargetDeleteTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
This is a special target method, that will remove the target from the targets list if it's matched.
ignoreInvisible - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to ignore invisible targets.
ignoreLOS - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether this NPC should ignore Line of Sight requirement.
ignoreMe - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Helper to ensure code won't be optimized away (Java isn't likely to do this anyway, but just in case).
ignores(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
IGNORES - Enum constant in enum class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType
ILLUSIONERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.12 or higher.
info(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelInfoCommands
informTargetHasNoLos(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Informs the tracker that the given currentTarget UUID is an entity that cannot currently be seen.
init() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Initialize the targets list after loading it.
init() - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
init() - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
instance - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
The main instance of this class.
instance - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Current plugin instance.
integration - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList.CachedOtherTarget
The integration object.
integrationPrefixMap - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
A map of target prefixes to the integration object.
integrations - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
All current integrations available to Sentinel.
invincible - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC cannot be harmed (true = no harm, false = receives damage normally).
invincible(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
InvPrefix - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Prefix string for an inventory title.
IRON_GOLEMS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
isAir(ItemStack) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns when an item is considered to be an air item.
isAvoided(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether an entity is marked to be avoided by this NPC's avoid lists.
isBlocking - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC is currently trying to block with a shield.
isCancelled() - Method in class
Returns whether the event is cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class
Returns whether the event is cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class
Returns whether the event is cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in class
isEventTarget(EntityDamageByEntityEvent, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether the damager in a damage event is targeted by this list.
isEventTarget(SentinelTrait, AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether a chat event is targeted by this list.
isIgnored(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether an entity is ignored by this NPC's ignore lists.
isInCombat - Variable in class
Whether the NPC is now in combat.
isInvisible(LivingEntity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns whether an entity is invisible (when invisible targets are ignorable).
isInvisible(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether an entity is invisible to this NPC.
isItemTarget(ItemStack, List<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns whether a list of item regex values match the item.
isLookingTowards(Location, Location, float, float) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns a boolean indicating whether the first location is looking towards a second location, within a yaw and pitch limit.
isMeleeWeapon(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the item is some form of melee weapon.
isRanged() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is holding a ranged weapon.
isRanged(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is holding a ranged weapon.
isRangedWeapon(ItemStack) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Returns whether an item is a valid ranged weapon type.
isRegex - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Whether this label is regex based.
isRegexTarget(String, String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns whether a regex value match the string.
isRegexTargeted(String, List<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Returns whether a list of regex values match the string.
isReverseEventTarget(SentinelTrait, EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether the victim in a damage event is targeted by this list.
isTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Returns whether this SentinelTarget targets the given entity.
isTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether an entity is targeted by this target list.
isTarget(LivingEntity, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelFactions
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelHealth
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelNPCOwnedBy
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPermissions
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPotion
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBScore
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBTeams
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimpleClans
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimplePets
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSquads
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelTowny
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelUUID
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelWar
isTarget(LivingEntity, String, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
Returns whether an entity is a target of the integration label.
isTarget(LivingEntity, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Returns whether this SentinelTarget targets the given entity for the given Sentinel.
isTarget(LivingEntity, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether an entity is targeted by this target list on a specific Sentinel NPC.
isTargeted(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether an entity is targeted by this NPC's target lists.
isTargetNoCache(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns whether an entity is targeted by this target list.
isUntargetable(Entity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether an entity is not able to be targeted at all.
isValidMulti() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Returns whether the label is a valid multi-target.
isValidPrefix() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Returns whether the prefix is valid - if 'false', the prefix doesn't exist.
isValidRegex() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Returns whether the RegEx is valid (or the target is not a RegEx target).
isValidTarget() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Returns whether the target is valid.
isWeapon(Material) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Returns whether an item material is a valid weapon type.
itemHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
itemHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Helper for items.
itemIsRanged(SentinelTrait, ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelCrackShot
itemIsRanged(SentinelTrait, ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
For autoswitch logic, return 'true' if the item should be considered a valid ranged weapon to swap to.
itemPrefixes - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand


kill(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
killCount - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler.TrackedKillToBlock
The number of kills to block.
killStatsToBlock - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Map to track automatic kill-statistic incrementing.
knockback(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
knockback(LivingEntity, float) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Knocks a target back from damage received (for hacked-in damage applications when required by config, or knockback enchantment on an item).


lastEntityUUID - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Last known entity UUID for this Sentinel NPC.
lastGreetTime - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Map of player UUIDs to the last ticks-alive stamp they were greeted at.
lastLocation - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
The last known location for this player.
LEGGINGS_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
LINGERING_POTION - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
LLAMAS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
load(DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Updater for older Sentinel saves (up to 1.7.2)
loadConfigSettings() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Reloads the config and updates settings fields accordingly.
LOW_INFLUENCE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Flocker influence constants, for "generateNewFlocker".


MAGMA_CUBES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
manager - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
The "/sentinel" command manager.
MATERIAL_BLAZE_ROD - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
A specific material (for multi-version support).
MATERIAL_NETHER_STAR - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
A specific material (for multi-version support).
MATERIAL_SNOW_BALL - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
A specific material (for multi-version support).
materialNames - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
maxHealth - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: maximum health value any NPC can ever have.
minShootSpeed - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: minimum arrow shooting speed.
MOBS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Multiple-entity-type targets.
MONSTERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Multiple-entity-type targets.
MULES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
MUSHROOM_COW - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).


name() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
The name of this target type.
names - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
The array of valid names for this target type.
NATIVE_COMBAT_CAPABLE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Entity types known to support native melee combat.
nearestPathPoint() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Gets the nearest pathing point to this NPC.
needAmmo(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
needsAmmo - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC needs ammo to fire ranged weapons (otherwise, infinite ammo).
needsDropsClear - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Entities that will need their drops cleared if they die soon (because they were killed by this NPC).
needsSafeReturn - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Indicates that the NPC needs to return to safety when next possible.
needsToUnpause - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Set true when waypoints are paused by Sentinel, to indicate that an unpause is needed (to avoid over-doing the unpause call, which can disrupt unrelated unpauses).
newTarget - Variable in class
The new chase target.
NMSENTITY_GETDATAWATCHER - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
NMSENTITY_WORLDGETTER - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
NMSWORLD_BROADCASTENTITYEFFECT - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
noGuardDamage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to block players from damaging their own guards.
normalizeYaw(float) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Normalizes Mincraft's yaws (which can be negative or can exceed 360) by turning them into proper yaw values that only go from 0 to 359.
NPCS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
All NPCs are targets.


OCELOTS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
onAsyncPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when players chat, to process event message targets.
onAttach() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when the Sentinel trait is attached to the NPC - fills all default values from config.
onBlockIgnites(BlockIgniteEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Handles a player or server command.
onDeath() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Handler for when the NPC died.
onDespawn() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when the NPC despawns.
onDisable() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Called when the plugin is disabled at server shutdown.
onEnable() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Called when the plugin is enabled at server startup.
onEntityCombusts(EntityCombustEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
onEntityExplodes(EntityExplodeEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
onInvClose(InventoryCloseEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when an inventory is closed.
onItemDamage(PlayerItemDamageEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when armor or weapons are damaged, used to block unwanted item damage.
onPlayerMovesInRange(PlayerMoveEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called every time a player moves at all, for use with monitoring if players move into range of an NPC.
onPlayerMovesInRange(PlayerMoveEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called every time a player moves at all, for use with monitoring if players move into range of an NPC.
onPlayerTeleports(PlayerTeleportEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a player teleports, to handle NPC guard updates.
onPlayerTeleports(PlayerTeleportEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called whenever a player teleports, for use with NPC guarding logic.
onProjectileHitsBlock(ProjectileHitEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a projectile hits a block, to auto-remove Sentinel-fired arrows quickly.
onRemove() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when the Sentinel trait is removed from an NPC.
onSpawn() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when the NPC spawns in.
onStatisticIncrement(PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a player statistic increments, to prevent the "PLAYER_KILLS" stat updating for killing an NPC.
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Handles tab completion for a player or server command.
onWantsPath(SentinelWantsToPathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelWorldGuardHelper
org.mcmonkey.sentinel - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel
org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands - package
org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics
org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities - package org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
OTHER_RANGED_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
otherBehaviorPaused - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
If true: other behavior (unrelated to Sentinel) should be paused, as Sentinel is engaged in combat.
otherTargetCache - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Cache of "other" targets.
outputEntireTargetsList(CommandSender, SentinelTargetList, String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
outputTargetsList(CommandSender, String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
OWNER - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
The NPC's owner is a target.


PANDAS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
PARROTS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.12 or higher.
PARTICLE_SPELL - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
PASSIVE_MOBS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Multiple-entity-type targets.
pathingTo - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Special case for where the NPC has been forced to run to in certain situations.
pathTo(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Causes the NPC to immediately path over to a position.
pauseWaypoints() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Pauses waypoint navigation if currrently navigating, and fires the pause event.
PHANTOMS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
PICKAXE_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
pickNear(Location, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Picks an accessible location near the start location, within a range.
PIGLIN_BRUTE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.
PIGLINS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.
PIGS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
PILLAGERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
PLAYERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Player entity is a target.
playerVelocityEstimates - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
Map of players (by UUID) to their velocity.
POLAR_BEARS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.10 or higher.
POTION_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
POTION_TYPE_UNCRAFTABLE - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
prefix - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
The label prefix.
prefix - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList.CachedOtherTarget
The "other" target prefix.
prefixBad - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Output string representing a failure prefix.
prefixGood - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
Output string representing a success prefix.
preventExplosionBlockDamage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to prevent Sentinel weapons causing damage to blocks.
processAllMultiTargets() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Process all current multi-targets.
processAvoidance() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Process avoid necessary avoidance.
processMultiTargets(SentinelTargetList, SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Process a specific set of multi-targets.
projectileRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How far this NPC is willing to fire projectiles.
projectileRange(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
protectedFromIgnores(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
protectFromIgnores - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
protectFromIgnores - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC should be protected from damage by ignore targets.
protectFromRange - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Maximum distance after which damage starts being ignored.
protectFromRange(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
PUFFERFISH - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
punch(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
Makes an NPC punch a target.


RABBITS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
random - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
A random object for reuse.
randomAcc() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Returns a random decimal number within acceptable accuracy range (can be negative).
randomDecimal(double, double) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets a random decimal from a minimum value to a maximum value.
range - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Maximum range to trigger attacks from.
range(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
rangedAmmoCalculation() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Post-calculation for ammo handling.
rangedChase - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC chases targets when using ranged weapons.
rangedPreCalculation(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Pre-calculation for ranged attacks.
RAVAGERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
rayTrace(Location, Location) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Traces a ray from a start to an end, returning the end of the ray (stopped early if there are solid blocks in the way).
reach - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How far this NPC's punches can reach.
reach(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
reactionSlowdown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Ticks before a new target is properly noticed.
realistic - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether this NPC should have 'realistic' targeting.
realistic(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
recalculateCacheNoClear() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Fills the cache 'targetsProcessed' set and does not deduplicate the source list.
recalculateTargetsCache() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Fills the cache 'targetsProcessed' set then uses that set to deduplicate the source 'targets' set.
rechase() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Repeats the last chase instruction (to ensure the NPC keeps going for a target).
reduceDurability() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Reduces the durability of the NPC's held item.
regexes - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Look up table for pre-compiled regex values.
regexFor(String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Gets a compiled regex pattern for a string of the regex.
regexPrefixes - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Prefixes that need regex validation.
registerIntegration(SentinelIntegration) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Registers a new integration to Sentinel.
reload(CommandContext, CommandSender) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelInfoCommands
removeAvoid(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Removes an avoid-target (by target description string).
removeAvoid(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
removeFromList(SentinelTargetList) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Removes this target label from a list set.
removeIgnore(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Removes an ignore (by target description string).
removeIgnore(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
removeTarget(String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Removes a target (by target description string).
removeTarget(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Removes a temporary target from this NPC (and squadmates if relevant).
removeTarget(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
removeTargetNoBounce(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Removes a target directly from the NPC.
respawn(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
respawnMe - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Runnable for respawning, if needed.
respawnTime - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long (in ticks) after death before the NPC respawns.
respawnTime(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
retainTarget - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
run() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
run() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called every tick to run Sentinel updates if needed.
runAll() - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
Updates the velocity tracker for all players.
runaway - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether the NPC runs away when attacked.
runaway(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
runAwayTime - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: time to keep running away for.
runDirection(Location) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns a direction to run in, avoiding threatening entities as best as possible.
runUpdate() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Runs a full update cycle on the NPC.


safeShot - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Whether to protect NPC arrow shots from damaging targets that weren't meant to be hit.
safeShot(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
SALMON - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
save(DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
save(SentinelTargetList, DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait.SentinelTargetListPersister
sayTo(Player, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Causes the NPC to speak a message to a player.
seesThreatFrom(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Returns a boolean indicating whether the NPC sees a threat from the input entity (for use with shield blocking).
sentinel - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
The relevant SentinelTrait instance.
SentinelAPIBreakageFix - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
Fixes for Spigot breaking API between updates.
SentinelAPIBreakageFix() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
SentinelAttackCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelAttackCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
SentinelAttackEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is going to attack.
SentinelAttackEvent(NPC, LivingEntity) - Constructor for class
Constructs the attack event.
SentinelAttackHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Helper for Sentinel NPCs attacking targets.
SentinelAttackHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
SentinelChaseCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelChaseCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
SentinelChaseEndEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is setting its current chase target to none.
SentinelChaseEndEvent(NPC) - Constructor for class
Constructs the chase-end event.
SentinelChaseNewTargetEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is setting its current chase target to something new.
SentinelChaseNewTargetEvent(NPC, LivingEntity) - Constructor for class
Constructs the chase-new-target event.
SentinelCombatStateChangeEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC starts or stops being in combat.
SentinelCombatStateChangeEvent(NPC, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs the combat-state-change event.
SentinelCommand - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
Helper class for the Sentinel command.
SentinelCommand() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelCommand
SentinelCrackShot - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelCrackShot() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelCrackShot
SentinelCurrentTarget - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Current target helper object.
SentinelCurrentTarget() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
SentinelEventHandler - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
SentinelEventHandler() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
SentinelEventHandler.TrackedKillToBlock - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Class to help prevent kill statistic incrementing.
SentinelFactions - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelFactions() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelFactions
SentinelGreetingCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelGreetingCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelGreetingCommands
SentinelHealth - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelHealth() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelHealth
SentinelHealthCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelHealthCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
SentinelHelperObject - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Base class for Sentinel helper objects.
SentinelHelperObject() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
SentinelInfoCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelInfoCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelInfoCommands
SentinelIntegration - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Represents an integration of an external plugin or system into Sentinel.
SentinelIntegration() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
SentinelIntelligenceCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
SentinelIntelligenceCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
SentinelItemHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Helper for item management.
SentinelItemHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
SentinelNMSHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
Helper for NMS-based actions.
SentinelNMSHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
SentinelNoMoreTargetsEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC has no targets remaining.
SentinelNoMoreTargetsEvent(NPC) - Constructor for class
Constructs the no-more-targets event.
SentinelNPCOwnedBy - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelNPCOwnedBy() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelNPCOwnedBy
SentinelPermissions - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelPermissions() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPermissions
SentinelPlugin - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
The main Sentinel plugin class.
SentinelPlugin() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
SentinelPotion - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelPotion() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelPotion
SentinelSBScore - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelSBScore() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBScore
SentinelSBTeams - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelSBTeams() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSBTeams
SentinelSimpleClans - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelSimpleClans() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimpleClans
SentinelSimplePets - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelSimplePets() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSimplePets
SentinelSquads - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelSquads() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSquads
SentinelTarget - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
Helper for target types.
SentinelTarget(EntityType[], String...) - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Constructs the target type instance.
SentinelTargetCommands - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands
Commands related to targeting.
SentinelTargetCommands() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
SentinelTargetingHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
Helper for targeting logic on an NPC.
SentinelTargetingHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType - Enum Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
The types of target lists.
SentinelTargetLabel - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
Helper for prefix labeled targets.
SentinelTargetLabel(String) - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
Constructs the target label instance.
SentinelTargetList - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
SentinelTargetList() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
SentinelTargetList.CachedOtherTarget - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting
Represents an "other target" for use with caching.
SentinelTargetListPersister() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait.SentinelTargetListPersister
SentinelTowny - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelTowny() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelTowny
SentinelTrait - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
The main Sentinel trait.
SentinelTrait() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Constructs the Sentinel Trait object - should only be called by the Citizens API internal functionality.
SentinelTrait.SentinelTargetListPersister - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
SentinelUtilities - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
SentinelUtilities() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
SentinelUUID - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelUUID() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelUUID
SentinelVersionCompat - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
SentinelVersionCompat() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
SentinelWantsToPathEvent - Class in
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC wants to path somewhere.
SentinelWantsToPathEvent(NPC, Location) - Constructor for class
Constructs the wants-to-path event.
SentinelWar - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration
SentinelWar() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelWar
SentinelWeaponHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel
Helper for weapon management, particular attacking.
SentinelWeaponHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
SentinelWorldGuardHelper - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
SentinelWorldGuardHelper() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelWorldGuardHelper
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the event is cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the event is cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the event is cancelled.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setEndermanAngry(Enderman, boolean) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelNMSHelper
setGuarding(int) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Sets the NPC to be guarding an NPC.
setGuarding(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Sets the NPC to be guarding an entity.
setHealth(double) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Sets the NPC's maximum health.
setInvincible(boolean) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Sets whether the NPC is invincible.
setTraitObject(SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
Sets the Sentinel trait object (and fills other helper object values).
SHEEP - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
shieldAxeCooldown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
When the shield can next be used (based on tick timer), if it has been disabled via axe strike.
shouldAvoid(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether the NPC should avoid a specific entity.
shouldLowerCaseValue() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelSquads
shouldLowerCaseValue() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelUUID
shouldLowerCaseValue() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
Returns whether the values for a target should be automatically lowercased in advance.
shouldTakeDura() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC can take durability from the held item.
shouldTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Returns whether the NPC should target a specific entity.
SHULKERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.9 or higher.
SILVERFISH - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
SKELETON_HORSES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
SKELETONS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
SKULL_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
SLIMES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
SNIFFERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.
SNOWMEN - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
spawnpoint(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelHealthCommands
spawnPoint - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The NPC's respawn location (null = respawn where the NPC died at).
specialMarkVision() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Marks that the NPC can see a target (Changes the state of some entity types, eg opening a shulker box).
specialUnmarkVision() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Marks that the NPC can no longer see a target (Changes the state of some entity types, eg closing a shulker box).
spectralSound - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: the sound to play when using the Spectral attack.
speed - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How fast the NPC moves when chasing (1 = normal speed).
speed(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
SPIDERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
SPLASH_POTION - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
squad - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The name of the squad this NPC is in (null for no squad).
squad(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelIntelligenceCommands
SQUIDS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
startBlocking() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Causes the NPC to start blocking with a shield (if it has one).
stats(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelInfoCommands
stats_arrowsFired - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many arrows this NPC has fired.
stats_attackAttempts - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many attacks this NPC has attempted.
stats_damageGiven - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how much damage this NPC has given.
stats_damageTaken - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how much damage this NPC has taken.
stats_eggsThrown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many eggs this NPC has thrown.
stats_evokerFangsSpawned - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many evoker fangs this NPC has spawned.
stats_fireballsFired - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many fireballs this NPC has fired.
stats_llamaSpitShot - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many llama spits this NPC has spit.
stats_pearlsUsed - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many pearls this NPC has used.
stats_potionsThrown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many potions this NPC has thrown.
stats_punches - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many times this NPC has punched a target.
stats_shulkerBulletsShot - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many shulker bullets this NPC has shot.
stats_skullsThrown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many skulls this NPC has thrown.
stats_snowballsThrown - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many snowballs this NPC has thrown.
stats_ticksSpawned - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how long (in ticks) this NPC has ever been in the world, in total.
stats_timesSpawned - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Statistics value: how many times this NPC has spawned into the world.
StatsRecord - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics
StatsRecord() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
stopBlocking() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Causes the NPC to stop blocking with a shield (if it has one).
STRAYS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
streamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Converts an input stream to a string (of the stream's contents).
STRIDERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.
swapToMatch(Function<ItemStack, Boolean>, boolean) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Swaps weapon to the first item that matches the input function.
swapToMelee() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Swaps the NPC to a melee weapon if possible.
swapToOpenHand() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Swaps the NPC to an open hand if possible.
swapToRanged() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Swaps the NPC to a ranged weapon if possible.
swapToShield() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Swaps offhand to shield for defense, if possible.
swingWeapon() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Swings the NPC's weapon (plays an ARM_SWING animation if possible - otherwise, does nothing).
SWORD_MATERIALS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
systemTick - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler.TrackedKillToBlock
The server tick time of the block.


TADPOLES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.
takeArrow() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Takes an arrow from the NPC's inventory.
takeOne() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Takes one item from the NPC's held items (for consumables).
targetID - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
The target's UUID.
targetingHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
targetingHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Helper for targeting logic.
targetOptions - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
A map of typeable target names to valid targets.
targets - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
List of target-type-based targets.
targets(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
TARGETS - Enum constant in enum class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType
targetsProcessed - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Cache of target objects.
targetTime(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
tempTargeted - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Helper list, general ignorable.
testLabel(CommandSender, SentinelTargetLabel) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelTargetCommands
tickRate - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: standard tick-rate for NPC updates.
ticksCountGuard - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Tick counter for the NPC guarding a player (to avoid updating positions too quickly).
ticksLeft - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelCurrentTarget
Remaining ticks before the target is invalid.
ticksSinceLastBurn - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
How long ago (in ticks) the NPC was last burned.
tickTimeTotal - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Total server tick time (for timing correction handlers).
timeSinceAttack - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Time since the last attack.
timeSinceHeal - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Time since the last heal.
TIPPED_ARROW - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelWeaponHelper
toAllInOneString() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Forms a pipe-separated list for all-in-one-target output.
toComboString() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Forms a \0x01-separated list for all-in-one-target output.
toMultiTargetString() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Forms a comma-separated list for multi-target output.
totalTargetsCount() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Returns the total count of targets (other than multi-targets).
TrackedKillToBlock() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler.TrackedKillToBlock
TRADER_LLAMAS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
transferKeys(FDSSection, FDSSection) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.ConfigUpdater
TRANSPARENT_BLOCKS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
HashSets of Materials within a category (for multi-version support).
trigger() - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.metrics.StatsRecord
TROPICAL_FISH - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
tryAttack(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Causes the NPC to attempt an attack on a target.
tryAttack(SentinelTrait, LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.integration.SentinelCrackShot
tryAttack(SentinelTrait, LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelIntegration
Runs when an NPC intends to attack a target - return 'true' to indicate the integration ran its own attack methodology (and no default attack handling is needed).
tryAttackInternal(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Internal attack attempt logic.
tryDefendFrom(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelAttackHelper
Causes the entity to prepare to defend against a dangerous opponent (if it sees the threat).
tryGetPerms() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Fills the vaultPerms object if possible.
tryGetSentinel(Entity) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Tries to get a Sentinel from an entity.
tryUpdateChaseTarget(LivingEntity) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Attempts to update the chasing target, calling the needed events and checking for modifications.
TURTLES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.13 or higher.
types - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget


unpauseWaypoints() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Un-Pauses (resumes) waypoint navigation if currrently navigating, and fires the un-pause event.
updateAvoids() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Updates the current avoids set for the NPC.
updateConfig(String, String) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.ConfigUpdater
Adds missing entries to a config file, based on a modern config file.
updateOld(DataKey) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Updater for older Sentinel saves (up to 1.7.2)
updateOld(DataKey, String) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList
Updates old (Sentinel 1.6 or lower) saves to new (Sentinel 1.7 or higher) saves.
updateTargets() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper
Updates the current targets set for the NPC.
useItem() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Animates the NPC using their item, and stops the animation 10 ticks later (useful for replicating bow draws, etc).
usesBow(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a bow item.
usesEgg(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using an egg item.
usesFangsBook(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using an evoker fangs attack book.
usesFireball(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a fireball item.
usesLightning(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a lightning-attack item.
usesLlamaSpit(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a llama spit item (white_dye).
usesPearl(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a pearl item.
usesPotion(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a potion item.
usesShulkerBullet(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a shulker bullet item.
usesSnowball(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a snowball item.
usesSpectral(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a spectral-effect-attack item.
usesTrident(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a trident item.
usesWitherSkull(ItemStack) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelItemHelper
Returns whether the NPC is using a wither-skull item.
uuidEquals(UUID, UUID) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelUtilities
Equivalent to "UUID#equals(...)" but ignoring the UUID version flag, to make NPC UUIDs (v4) and entity UUIDS (v2) of the same value be considered equivalent.


v1_10 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_11 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_12 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_13 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_14 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_15 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_16 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_17 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_18 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_19 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_20 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_21 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_8 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
v1_9 - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
validateOnList() - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Validates this Sentinel NPC's presence on the current NPCs list.
validEventTargets - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
A map of all valid event targets.
value - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetLabel
The target value.
value - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetList.CachedOtherTarget
The "other" target value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTargetingHelper.TargetListType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
vaultPerms - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Permissions handler.
velocity - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
The last known velocity for this player.
VelocityTracker - Class in org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities
Player velocity is not tracked on the server normally.
VelocityTracker() - Constructor for class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.VelocityTracker
VEXES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
vFuture - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
Boolean indicating if the server version is >= the named version.
VILLAGER - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
VINDICATORS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.


WANDERING_TRADERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.14 or higher.
WARDENS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.19 or higher.
warning(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelGreetingCommands
warningText - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The text to warn enemy players with (empty string = no greeting).
WEAPON_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelVersionCompat
A map of weapon materials to their damage multipliers.
weaponDamage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Map of weapon material names to custom damage amount.
weaponDamage(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
weaponHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelHelperObject
weaponHelper - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Helper for weapons.
weaponRedirect(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelAttackCommands
weaponRedirects - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Map of held weapon material names to redirect 'work like' material names.
wgRegion(CommandContext, CommandSender, SentinelTrait) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.commands.SentinelChaseCommands
whenAnEnemyDies(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when a target dies to remove them from the target list.
whenAnEnemyDies(EntityDeathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when any entity dies, to process drops handling and targeting updates.
whenAPlayerChangesWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a player travels between worlds, mostly to clean some caches that might get confused about it.
whenAPlayerDies(PlayerDeathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a player dies, to process handling of the message if a Sentinel caused it.
whenAttacksAreHappening(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when combat occurs in the world (and has not yet been processed by other plugins), to handle things like cancelling invalid damage to/from a Sentinel NPC, changing damage values given to or received from an NPC, and if relevant handling config options that require overriding damage events.
whenAttacksAreHappeningFromMe(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when this sentinel attacks something, to correct damage handling.
whenAttacksAreHappeningFromMyArrow(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when this sentinel attacks something with a projectile, to correct damage handling.
whenAttacksAreHappeningToMe(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when this sentinel gets attacked, to correct the armor handling.
whenAttacksHappened(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when combat has occurred in the world (and has been processed by all other plugins), to handle things like cancelling invalid damage to/from a Sentinel NPC, adding targets (if combat occurs near an NPC), and if relevant handling config options that require overriding damage events.
whenAttacksHappened(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
whenEntitiesAreHurt(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when damage has occurred in the world (before being processed by all other plugins), to handle things like preventing overly rapid fire damage.
whenImHurt(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when this sentinel gets hurt.
whenSomethingDies(EntityDeathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when any entity dies.
whenSomethingMightDie(UUID) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when an entity might die from damage (called before Sentinel detects that an NPC might have killed an entity).
whenWeDie(EntityDeathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelEventHandler
Called when a Sentinel NPC dies.
whenWeDie(EntityDeathEvent) - Method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Called when the NPC dies.
WITCHES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
WITHER_SKELETONS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
WITHERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
WOLVES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
workaroundDamage - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to work-around damage-giving issues.
workaroundDrops - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to work-around potential NPC item drop issues.
workaroundEntityChasePathfinder - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelPlugin
Configuration option: whether to work-around a pathfinder issue.
worldguardRegion - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
The name of a WorldGuard region this Sentinel must stay within (if any).
worldguardRegionCache - Variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.SentinelTrait
Cache object, refer to 'worldguardRegion'.


ZOGLINS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.
ZOMBIE_HORSES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
ZOMBIE_PIGMEN - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.15 or LOWER.
ZOMBIE_VILLAGERS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.11 or higher.
ZOMBIES - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Basic single-entity target types (that were added in Minecraft 1.8 or earlier).
ZOMBIFIED_PIGLINS - Static variable in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.targeting.SentinelTarget
Valid target types for 1.16 or higher.


_getEnumValue(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class org.mcmonkey.sentinel.utilities.SentinelAPIBreakageFix
Note: not necessarily actually an enum.
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