All Classes and Interfaces

bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Fixes for Spigot breaking API between updates.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is going to attack.
Helper for Sentinel NPCs attacking targets.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is setting its current chase target to none.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC is setting its current chase target to something new.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC starts or stops being in combat.
Helper class for the Sentinel command.
Current target helper object.
Class to help prevent kill statistic incrementing.
Base class for Sentinel helper objects.
Represents an integration of an external plugin or system into Sentinel.
Helper for item management.
Helper for NMS-based actions.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC has no targets remaining.
The main Sentinel plugin class.
Helper for target types.
Commands related to targeting.
Helper for targeting logic on an NPC.
The types of target lists.
Helper for prefix labeled targets.
Represents an "other target" for use with caching.
The main Sentinel trait.
Event fired when a Sentinel NPC wants to path somewhere.
Helper for weapon management, particular attacking.
Player velocity is not tracked on the server normally.