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Changes between #1771 and #1772

#1772 (Jun 26, 2022, 1:03:39 AM)

  1. 1.19 step 2: poms and versions and all (Denizen 1.2.5) (commit: bb3f608) — git_commits / detail
  2. Add `EntityTag.auto_expire` property (#2340) (commit: 4f1d078) — noreply / detail
  3. use new MapTag input tools in a few places (commit: c3dc758) — git_commits / detail
  4. InventoryCommand: open anvil (commit: cb0cf85) — git_commits / detail
  5. anvil and workbench scripted GUIs (commit: c7d1610) — git_commits / detail
  6. Add missing `EntityTag#getDenizenObject()` calls (#2343) (commit: ca426ec) — noreply / detail