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denizen-v1_19 (Jan 11, 2023, 2:48:48 AM)

Started 2 yr 2 mo ago
Took 7.2 sec
Build Artifacts
denizen-v1_19-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT-remapped-obf.jar190.65 KiB view
denizen-v1_19-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar192.32 KiB view
denizen-v1_19-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT.pom3.11 KiB view
  1. bump pom versions and minor cleanup (commit: d26788f) (details)
  2. modernize look command and add offthread_repeat (commit: 383274b) (details)
  3. Support brewing recipes in tags (#2423) (commit: 1349bf6) (details)
  4. hurt command: reset blockDamage too (commit: db91231) (details)
  5. WorldTag.duration_since_created mech (commit: a05047b) (details)
  6. Fix disguise entity data handling on 1.19.3 (#2424) (commit: 9a25e78) (details)