- MC 1.16.4, Denizen 1.1.8 (commit: 23ae69e) (details)
- basic compiler required patches for 1.16.4 (commit: 1b62b2b) (details)
- md_5 thought it would be funny to bump _R2 to _R3 and then reverse it back to R2 a few hours later (commit: f80bb65) (details)
- md_5 is just an asshole at this point, 3rd time the module's renamed (commit: d4ab0a5) (details)
- fix inventory contents persistence in noted scripts (commit: 6b054b3) (details)
- probable fix for preservation of format through hover/click (commit: e5acbbb) (details)
- replace paper impl of PlayerShootsBow with spigot impl (commit: fc6cc0d) (details)
- add paper-specific version control options to list ping event (commit: 1c49ab3) (details)
- Added filters to precise_target tags (#2261) (commit: faa3cce) (details)
- fix actionbar command argument parsing (commit: 577f294) (details)