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  1. Attempt to ban unreasonably huge decimals (commit: 21ed7fd) (details)
  2. Ban unreasonably small decimals too (commit: ea50af5) (details)
  3. Fix function (commit: a125cd8) (details)
  4. Allow small numbers, fixes depenizen-for-bukkit#43 (commit: b4e6a77) (details)
  5. Reduce DenizenCore dependencies (commit: 290ebd3) (details)
  6. Clean the DenizenCore pom.xml (commit: 443c230) (details)
  7. Add a new utility function: xthArgEquals (commit: e613564) (details)
Commit 21ed7fdde6642ffb32ea299acfe5762bd76eaae1 by mcmonkey4eva
Attempt to ban unreasonably huge decimals

1 followed by one thousand zeroes is sufficiently large I think
(commit: 21ed7fd)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/objects/ (diff)
Commit ea50af5c00f15af4b001befd81e05ac2ee633f9f by mcmonkey4eva
Ban unreasonably small decimals too
(commit: ea50af5)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/objects/ (diff)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/objects/ (diff)
Commit b4e6a77a6997526199848a95d4544704e03eb43d by mcmonkey4eva
Allow small numbers, fixes depenizen-for-bukkit#43

There's no such thing as 10e-1000
(commit: b4e6a77)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/objects/ (diff)
Commit 290ebd3bc1f89a2e9a1e835a27840717ac81dbfb by mcmonkey4eva
Reduce DenizenCore dependencies

We don't need any of this crap
(commit: 290ebd3)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/objects/ (diff)
Commit 443c2306513a5fc851342a77fcc2a229f5a0d95c by mcmonkey4eva
Clean the DenizenCore pom.xml

All this scrap...
(commit: 443c230)
The file was modified pom.xml (diff)
Commit e6135644fe891808059ea654fd6528a9d4a2d822 by mcmonkey4eva
Add a new utility function: xthArgEquals
(commit: e613564)
The file was modified src/main/java/net/aufdemrand/denizencore/utilities/ (diff)