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#7144 (Mar 19, 2025, 10:08:12 PM)

  1. `MaterialTag.vanilla_tags` 1.21 fixes (#2706) (commit: a7d9c48) — noreply / detail

#7132 (Jan 23, 2025, 11:28:47 PM)

  1. 1.20 Networking cleanups (#2698) (commit: 2ed9cea) — noreply / detail

#7129 (Jan 16, 2025, 10:09:45 PM)

  1. Fix item hovers on 1.20+ (#2695) (commit: b251f00) — noreply / detail

#7098 (Dec 2, 2024, 1:58:09 PM)

  1. fix re advancement progress_length (commit: ac17976) — git_commits / detail

#7092 (Nov 14, 2024, 12:39:41 PM)

  1. Unhandled item components persistence (#2648) (commit: c0dfae0) — noreply / detail

#7086 (Nov 11, 2024, 6:28:13 PM)

  1. Interfacification fixes 2 (#2671) (commit: d43598b) — noreply / detail

#7084 (Oct 30, 2024, 4:32:11 PM)

  1. cleanup (commit: 500b2e4) — git_commits / detail

#7072 (Oct 3, 2024, 1:36:42 PM)

  1. Biomes: proper key handling with `NamespacedKey` (#2651) (commit: 0d9bc94) — noreply / detail

#7071 (Oct 2, 2024, 5:06:00 AM)

  1. `PlayerTag.stop_sound`: input consistency (commit: 6461c8d) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7052 (Jul 6, 2024, 1:48:39 PM)

  1. Fix `ItemTag.base_color` on 1.20.6+ (#2634) (commit: ce9cc7b) — noreply / detail

#7049 (Jun 25, 2024, 7:28:19 AM)

  1. `playeffect`: legacy names handling (#2629) (commit: f6c3bac) — noreply / detail

#7045 (Jun 20, 2024, 9:03:39 AM)

  1. Fix getting custom brewing recipes on 1.20.6+ (commit: 7364c0f) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7041 (Jun 14, 2024, 9:07:07 AM)

  1. mark version 1.3.1 and update readme version list (commit: dfcbad8) — git_commits / detail

#7037 (Jun 10, 2024, 9:22:39 PM)

  1. `ItemTag.custom_data`, `raw_nbt` deprecation (#2625) (commit: bf9c576) — noreply / detail

#7029 (May 27, 2024, 9:45:53 PM)

  1. Fix `ItemTag.can_destroy/place_on` properties (#2624) (commit: 50acb4c) — noreply / detail

#7026 (May 17, 2024, 8:25:25 AM)

  1. NBT handling update: `EntityTag` & attributes (#2622) (commit: d37d034) — noreply / detail

#7022 (May 5, 2024, 11:11:52 AM)

  1. Initial 1.20.6 support (#2616) (commit: 4f24205) — noreply / detail

#6997 (Feb 27, 2024, 8:23:44 PM)

  1. schematic command file handling correction (commit: a9b998a) — git_commits / detail

#6995 (Feb 23, 2024, 6:53:17 AM)

  1. `MaterialTag.food_points` (#2599) (commit: 1a2fae2) — noreply / detail

#6993 (Feb 18, 2024, 4:30:40 AM)

  1. fix hurt command errors on new spigot build (commit: 557d3fc) — git_commits / detail

#6988 (Feb 10, 2024, 9:42:57 PM)

  1. add strong deprecation on fake_player (commit: 0d41e76) — git_commits / detail

#6986 (Jan 30, 2024, 4:25:10 PM)

  1. Fix brewing material choice block handling (#2592) (commit: d35dfdc) — noreply / detail

#6970 (Jan 1, 2024, 7:15:52 AM)

  1. Match Spigot behavior in `modifyblock` (#2583) (commit: f5e04db) — noreply / detail

#6954 (Dec 22, 2023, 1:12:26 PM)

  1. global ScriptEvent isEnabled instance of doing it in every event separately (commit: ac2ab6f) — git_commits / detail

#6950 (Dec 19, 2023, 6:41:17 AM)

  1. Several minor cleanups/fixes (#2580) (commit: fba327b) — noreply / detail

#6946 (Dec 18, 2023, 10:39:11 PM)

  1. Entity NBT controls and SNBT support (#2573) (commit: 5ef377f) — noreply / detail

#6945 (Dec 18, 2023, 10:29:31 PM)

  1. `ItemTag.map_to_image` (#2579) (commit: 156ef7e) — noreply / detail

#6944 (Dec 18, 2023, 10:15:40 PM)

  1. Fix Advancement handling (#2578) (commit: f9800e1) — noreply / detail

#6942 (Dec 8, 2023, 11:29:59 PM)

  1. target MC 1.20.4 instead of 3 (otherwise identical, was a microupdate patch) (commit: c18ae15) — git_commits / detail

#6940 (Dec 6, 2023, 10:12:13 AM)

  1. 1.20.3 part 1: version number bumps (commit: ab9ca43) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  2. 1.20.3 part 2: bulk update revision number to 3 (commit: 42e0b28) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  3. 1.20.3 part 3: Initial fixes to be compilable (commit: d2ed17c) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  4. mark version 1.3.0 (commit: 0c806f9) — git_commits / detail

#6939 (Dec 4, 2023, 2:17:31 PM)

  1. add null check in network manager (null packets are not our problem) (commit: 472aab5) — git_commits / detail

#6936 (Nov 25, 2023, 6:34:15 PM)

  1. Fix custom payload and client brand handling (#2572) (commit: 7ce5daa) — noreply / detail

#6934 (Nov 25, 2023, 3:43:59 PM)

  1. update NMS for upstream spigot change (commit: a8caaec) — git_commits / detail

#6933 (Nov 25, 2023, 3:35:15 PM)

  1. Fix bed spawn location tags/mechs (#2567) (commit: 5ad5e20) — noreply / detail

#6924 (Nov 14, 2023, 8:58:16 PM)

  1. Brewing recipe matchers support (#2555) (commit: f6e6f29) — noreply / detail

#6916 (Nov 12, 2023, 9:38:20 PM)

  1. Add support for Horse inventories (#2558) (commit: 74f28ba) — noreply / detail

#6915 (Nov 4, 2023, 11:52:15 PM)

  1. Add entity start/stop using hand mecs (#2556) (commit: 25d6f31) — noreply / detail

#6907 (Oct 26, 2023, 8:15:10 PM)

  1. Rapid packet-based entity data changes (#2540) (commit: 0f42e74) — noreply / detail

#6905 (Oct 22, 2023, 5:26:49 AM)

  1. (experimental) supply actual block entity values in showfake chunk packet override (commit: 425dd75) — git_commits / detail

#6902 (Oct 22, 2023, 4:45:58 AM)

  1. fix enchantment script containers in MC 1.20.2 (commit: 7be1fc5) — git_commits / detail

#6897 (Oct 19, 2023, 11:22:03 AM)

  1. Account for game profile changes (#2549) (commit: 0b8b6d9) — noreply / detail

#6896 (Oct 17, 2023, 10:20:37 PM)

  1. fix NPE in advancement code in 1.20.2 (commit: e347bd9) — git_commits / detail

#6885 (Sep 23, 2023, 12:47:24 AM)

  1. Use the correct `PlayerChunkSender` (#2541) (commit: 582c0b7) — noreply / detail

#6884 (Sep 21, 2023, 10:24:40 PM)

  1. experimentally dodge configure mode issues? (commit: ab46b3c) — git_commits / detail

#6883 (Sep 21, 2023, 7:22:24 PM)

  1. add some missing network overrides (commit: c96353a) — git_commits / detail

#6882 (Sep 21, 2023, 7:06:11 PM)

  1. 1.20.2 part 1: bulk R2-iffying (commit: f8af3f9) — git_commits / detail
  2. 1.20.2 part 2: version number bumps (commit: c381dc8) — git_commits / detail
  3. 1.20.2 part 3: essentials to be able to compile (commit: 6cad2cc) — git_commits / detail

#6881 (Sep 16, 2023, 7:32:05 PM)

  1. Add `EntityTag.internal_data` mechanism (#2538) (commit: 9897530) — noreply / detail

#6878 (Sep 14, 2023, 10:00:43 PM)

  1. Update fake equipment packet handler (#2537) (commit: 1992555) — noreply / detail

#6877 (Sep 10, 2023, 1:52:55 PM)

  1. Add offthread_repeat arg to relative teleport command (#2533) (commit: 6013532) — noreply / detail

#6875 (Sep 10, 2023, 9:55:54 AM)

  1. Update disguise packet handler (#2535) (commit: ab355f0) — noreply / detail

#6869 (Sep 10, 2023, 9:20:59 AM)

  1. Cleanup simple packet handlers (#2529) (commit: 5e07800) — noreply / detail

#6868 (Sep 10, 2023, 8:54:39 AM)

  1. Update player profile packet handler (#2530) (commit: 12919ca) — noreply / detail

#6867 (Sep 2, 2023, 9:27:16 PM)

  1. [ci-skip] Fix field naming in a few places (commit: 66e8385) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#6865 (Sep 2, 2023, 8:57:46 PM)

  1. Initial packet handlers system (#2528) (commit: e1dd239) — noreply / detail

#6864 (Sep 2, 2023, 8:36:22 PM)

  1. Add mount_to arg to fakespawn command (#2513) (commit: e2e883a) — noreply / detail

#6859 (Aug 30, 2023, 12:44:07 PM)

  1. cleanup, and meta for the open sign PR (commit: d850835) — git_commits / detail

#6856 (Aug 30, 2023, 12:28:44 PM)

  1. Fix fake sign editors (#2526) (commit: 60dac3a) — noreply / detail

#6854 (Aug 26, 2023, 1:35:41 PM)

  1. Fix client-side mem leak due to sidebar (#2525) (commit: 3beddae) — noreply / detail

#6851 (Aug 18, 2023, 11:11:45 PM)

  1. Update smithing recipe registration (#2520) (commit: 95e7d5b) — noreply / detail

#6847 (Aug 17, 2023, 12:59:19 AM)

  1. fix for upstream spigot change (commit: 2f07adb) — git_commits / detail

#6842 (Aug 6, 2023, 1:34:25 AM)

  1. strip the display tag from items when setting lore to empty (commit: b62926e) — git_commits / detail

#6841 (Aug 6, 2023, 1:25:15 AM)

  1. `BiomeTag.(water_)fog_color` tag + mech (#2516) (commit: 2ba64c9) — noreply / detail

#6833 (Jul 26, 2023, 3:53:00 PM)

  1. Patch time_lived for xp orbs (#2509) (commit: 5f3a593) — noreply / detail

#6828 (Jul 20, 2023, 11:44:26 AM)

  1. Fishing helper cleanup (#2506) (commit: cb612da) — noreply / detail

#6821 (Jul 15, 2023, 7:46:42 AM)

  1. Entity helper cleanup (#2505) (commit: 207edc3) — noreply / detail

#6819 (Jul 12, 2023, 5:34:17 PM)

  1. Block helper cleanup (#2500) (commit: c6102db) — noreply / detail

#6818 (Jul 12, 2023, 5:21:57 PM)

  1. Enchantment helper cleanup (#2501) (commit: 86ce971) — noreply / detail

#6817 (Jul 12, 2023, 5:15:22 PM)

  1. Packet helper cleanup (#2502) (commit: 70a3e5d) — noreply / detail

#6816 (Jul 12, 2023, 5:04:03 PM)

  1. Player helper cleanup (#2503) (commit: 78a8d1f) — noreply / detail

#6814 (Jul 7, 2023, 8:47:57 AM)

  1. Patched malformed text in item lore/display crashing tags (#2494) (commit: 8366ef0) — noreply / detail

#6807 (Jul 1, 2023, 11:54:33 PM)

  1. Update for 1.19 biome changes (#2492) (commit: 5af07fe) — noreply / detail

#6796 (Jun 13, 2023, 9:48:17 AM)

  1. MC 1.20.1 (commit: acc0401) — git_commits / detail

#6791 (Jun 7, 2023, 6:47:38 PM)

  1. 1.20 part 1: copy 1.19 files (commit: c77bb78) — git_commits / detail
  2. 1.20 part 2: poms and versions (commit: a6c9268) — git_commits / detail
  3. 1.20 part 3: make it work (commit: eba81d1) — git_commits / detail