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  1. Add an issue template (commit: 0ca0812) (details)
  2. patch cleverTicks inefficiency (commit: d69c80f) (details)
  3. version bump, new 1.13 targets (commit: 2708973) (details)
  4. material patches for 1.13 (commit: f9b1bd3) (details)
  5. patches from testing (commit: 40ff820) (details)
Commit 0ca0812ece0b3d10ce83a14fcc4a01cf8e24d9cb by noreply
Add an issue template
(commit: 0ca0812)
The file was addedISSUE_TEMPLATE
Commit d69c80fb97c2b73cd11c2f4ae1eb4fcb01475611 by mcmonkey
patch cleverTicks inefficiency
(commit: d69c80f)
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
Commit 27089734b46c062e4c13bda5c028e07c1d3a421e by mcmonkey
version bump, new 1.13 targets
(commit: 2708973)
The file was modified pom.xml
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
Commit f9b1bd331bec95bddc6f6d30c538e30d708196d3 by mcmonkey
material patches for 1.13
(commit: f9b1bd3)
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
The file was modified src/main/resources/plugin.yml
Commit 40ff8206ca0bb000054332311fd7e57e9e3c242e by mcmonkey
patches from testing
(commit: 40ff820)
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/
The file was modified src/main/java/org/mcmonkey/sentinel/