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  1. `trim` property (#2495) (commit: 8d40d8b) (details)
Commit 8d40d8be10721c07c90b7519a40f4f433aaf9530 by noreply
`trim` property (#2495)

* Add `trim` property for armor pieces

* Use armor trim NamespacedKey registry instead of custom matching function

* Update error message

* Add default value check

* Code review and cleanup

* Add `trim` to list of default raw NBT keys

* Meta cleanup and line movement
(commit: 8d40d8b)
The file was addedplugin/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/denizen/objects/properties/item/
The file was modifiedplugin/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/denizen/objects/properties/item/
The file was modifiedplugin/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/denizen/objects/properties/