- copy 1.12 enchant compat fix to item scripts too (commit: 5b9ad17) (details)
- add 'context.full_message' to server exception event (commit: 043a749) (details)
- passenger(s) mechs: spawn the passenger if not already spawned (commit: 99c73fe) (details)
- item script: always track the script in context (commit: 6e9a544) (details)
- fix Orientable materials in Directional property, fixes #2073 (commit: 36798fb) (details)
- fix all list handlings in ServerTagBase (commit: 9fbb648) (details)
- add handy quicktag (commit: 1276892) (details)
- CuboidTag and LocationTag: be nicer about raw WorldTag input (commit: 0a450b2) (details)