- use new core cleanup (commit: eb4ce6d) (details)
- BiomeTag.downfall_type mech (commit: 9c3e697) (details)
- bossbar create: advanced text support for title (commit: 385cf8c) (details)
- Void world generator 1.17 variant (commit: 3df81b2) (details)
- avoid unnecessary call to location_flagged (commit: 9dfb3bb) (details)
- playeffect: reorder special_data parsing for 1.16 compat (commit: e56ae8c) (details)
- WorldTag.hardcore (commit: 082c984) (details)
- minor item matching cleanup (commit: 93a1ea1) (details)
- fix playsound and midi arg parsing (commit: 051f7c0) (details)
- debugging cleanup (commit: 269c916) (details)
- fix backwards material check (commit: 9ca5595) (details)