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  1. ViaVersion Integration (#272) (commit: 41ba3d3) (details)
Commit 41ba3d3782a00a8f5f882539ad260cd8f5cf752c by agoodwin
ViaVersion Integration (#272)
* ViaVersion
Added ViaVersion.jar in included lib directory, updated pom.xml,
created bridge and new property for PlayerTags: <PlayerTag.viaversion>

* ViaVersion-fixes
Additional Fixes to the ViaVersion Implementation.

* pom fix
Proper alphabetical fix for the pom....

* pom fix... again

* Removal of stray comment

* Next round of fixed.
(commit: 41ba3d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/com/denizenscript/depenizen/bukkit/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/denizenscript/depenizen/bukkit/properties/viaversion/
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was addedsrc/main/java/com/denizenscript/depenizen/bukkit/bridges/
The file was addedlib/ViaVersion.jar