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  1. Implementation of spawner tags and mechanisms for LocationTags (#2288) (commit: 72aba20) (details)
Commit 72aba20e80e39dc7e7d645ec2be733848f47b301 by noreply
Implementation of spawner tags and mechanisms for LocationTags (#2288)

Adds the following tags:
- <LocationTag.spawner_spawn_delay>
- <LocationTag.spawner_minimum_spawn_delay>
- <LocationTag.spawner_maximum_spawn_delay>
- <LocationTag.spawner_player_range>
- <LocationTag.spawner_range>
- <LocationTag.spawner_max_nearby_entities>
- <LocationTag.spawner_count>

Adds the following mechanisms:
- <LocationTag.spawner_delay_data>
- <LocationTag.spawner_max_nearby_entities>
- <LocationTag.spawner_player_range>
- <LocationTag.spawner_range>
- <LocationTag.spawner_count>

Fixes a shortcoming in Spigot code handling the ItemTag.spawner_delay_data mechanism that causes failure if the maximum and minimum delay were set in an order that caused them to be out of bounds.
(commit: 72aba20)
The file was modifiedplugin/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/denizen/objects/properties/item/
The file was modifiedplugin/src/main/java/com/denizenscript/denizen/objects/