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#7146 (Mar 28, 2025, 4:42:14 PM)

  1. Several minor 1.20/21 fixes (#2711) (commit: 38b35c3) — noreply / detail

#7145 (Mar 27, 2025, 1:28:14 PM)

  1. 1.21.5 part 1: versions n stuff (commit: 2c1c79d) — git_commits / detail
  2. 1.21.5 part 2: import vers (commit: cc76fad) — git_commits / detail
  3. 1.21.5 part 3: compiler fixes (commit: eaff176) — git_commits / detail

#7144 (Mar 19, 2025, 10:08:12 PM)

  1. `MaterialTag.vanilla_tags` 1.21 fixes (#2706) (commit: a7d9c48) — noreply / detail

#7132 (Jan 23, 2025, 11:28:47 PM)

  1. 1.20 Networking cleanups (#2698) (commit: 2ed9cea) — noreply / detail

#7129 (Jan 16, 2025, 10:09:45 PM)

  1. Fix item hovers on 1.20+ (#2695) (commit: b251f00) — noreply / detail

#7115 (Dec 23, 2024, 12:46:50 PM)

  1. calm down the yelling (commit: 440734b) — git_commits / detail

#7113 (Dec 23, 2024, 12:36:40 PM)

  1. Legacy renames: enable by default (#2687) (commit: 7ad213c) — noreply / detail

#7111 (Dec 14, 2024, 10:55:45 PM)

  1. Legacy Spigot names compatibility (#2684) (commit: 8fe6e79) — noreply / detail

#7105 (Dec 5, 2024, 12:29:44 AM)

  1. 1.21.4 part 1: bump version numbers (commit: c6f6430) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  2. 1.21.4 part 2: bump import revision numbers (commit: 1b50fb9) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  3. 1.21.4 part 3: update reflection mappings (commit: d8d4b95) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  4. 1.21.4 part 4: update mappings version check (commit: 45f47cb) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  5. 1.21.4 part 5: initial code updates (commit: 5fdfa74) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7098 (Dec 2, 2024, 1:58:09 PM)

  1. fix re advancement progress_length (commit: ac17976) — git_commits / detail

#7093 (Nov 29, 2024, 6:01:40 PM)

  1. 1.21.3 better item recipe registration (commit: cb0098a) — git_commits / detail

#7092 (Nov 14, 2024, 12:39:41 PM)

  1. Unhandled item components persistence (#2648) (commit: c0dfae0) — noreply / detail

#7091 (Nov 13, 2024, 10:15:27 PM)

  1. fix empty edit_sign (commit: 2a923dd) — git_commits / detail

#7090 (Nov 13, 2024, 9:23:32 PM)

  1. fix locationtag.skull_skin on 1.21 (commit: e78e4d7) — git_commits / detail

#7089 (Nov 13, 2024, 9:16:36 PM)

  1. fix offline player inventory via fake player (commit: 3651dcb) — git_commits / detail

#7084 (Oct 30, 2024, 4:32:11 PM)

  1. cleanup (commit: 500b2e4) — git_commits / detail

#7083 (Oct 30, 2024, 4:14:06 PM)

  1. cleanup and fix for 1.21.3 (commit: cbe6594) — git_commits / detail

#7082 (Oct 30, 2024, 3:05:22 PM)

  1. 1.21.3 part 1: bump version numbers (commit: 47cba28) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  2. 1.21.3 part 2: bump import revision numbers (commit: 73a11d8) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  3. 1.21.3 part 3: update reflection mappings (commit: 648df47) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  4. 1.21.3 part 4: update mappings version check (commit: 44d3a6c) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  5. 1.21.3 part 5: initial code updates (commit: 41a94d6) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  6. 1.21.3 part 6: final fixes (commit: 42b85af) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  7. 1.21.3 part 7: fixes from review (commit: 563f656) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7072 (Oct 3, 2024, 1:36:42 PM)

  1. Biomes: proper key handling with `NamespacedKey` (#2651) (commit: 0d9bc94) — noreply / detail

#7071 (Oct 2, 2024, 5:06:00 AM)

  1. `PlayerTag.stop_sound`: input consistency (commit: 6461c8d) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7065 (Aug 22, 2024, 4:32:28 AM)

  1. bump build target to 1.21.1 (commit: 96e41b5) — git_commits / detail

#7052 (Jul 6, 2024, 1:48:39 PM)

  1. Fix `ItemTag.base_color` on 1.20.6+ (#2634) (commit: ce9cc7b) — noreply / detail

#7049 (Jun 25, 2024, 7:28:19 AM)

  1. `playeffect`: legacy names handling (#2629) (commit: f6c3bac) — noreply / detail

#7045 (Jun 20, 2024, 9:03:39 AM)

  1. Fix getting custom brewing recipes on 1.20.6+ (commit: 7364c0f) — 31237389+tal5 / detail

#7041 (Jun 14, 2024, 9:07:07 AM)

  1. mark version 1.3.1 and update readme version list (commit: dfcbad8) — git_commits / detail

#7040 (Jun 14, 2024, 9:03:36 AM)

  1. some fixes for 1.21 (commit: 0fb11b1) — git_commits / detail

#7039 (Jun 14, 2024, 8:06:42 AM)

  1. 1.21 part 1: copy over 1.20 files (commit: 562f269) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  2. 1.21 part 2: bump versions (commit: d67ef64) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  3. 1.21 part 3: bump import revision numbers (commit: 1b4f7d9) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  4. 1.21 part 4: Initial code updates (commit: 6483a14) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  5. 1.21 part 5: rename package, oops (commit: 8ca7584) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  6. 1.21 part 6: Reflection mappings update (commit: d6e1843) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  7. 1.21 part 7: Fixes from testing (commit: 21d3284) — 31237389+tal5 / detail
  8. Cleanup `EntityHelper#getDamageTo` diff (commit: 29d9eda) — 31237389+tal5 / detail